Sudoku for Teachers

This is a
special message for teachers, because I know that many of you are interested in using Sudoku puzzles in your
If you take
a moment to read the customer comments on the Feedback page you will
see that many teachers have been pleased with their purchase of Sudoku for Kids.
One of the
main advantages of buying the puzzles in ebook form is that you won’t have to fuss with cutting
appropriate puzzles out of newspapers or trying to photocopy cleanly a page from a folded paperback book! Our
pages look nice and are designed to photocopy into black and white cleanly, with cheerful graphics to get the
kids interested and big bold type to make things easy for them. There is lots of white space for workings out,
but not too much – in fact the easier puzzles print out 3-to-a-page. And of course you can print out different
pages to distribute according to the ability of your children.
Teacher Suggestions:
Over the past
months we have collected suggestions from teachers about how they use the puzzles, and repeat them here in the
hope that they will inspire you. Suggestions have included using Sudoku for Kids in the following
As a whole class
activity, with a white board or projector at the front of the class
As a time filler for
odd moments during the day
As a “reward” when a
child finishes work early, especially in maths lessons
At the beginning of the
day, placed on the desk for children to do when they come into the classroom and settle down
As a weekend activity
or fun homework
As an after-school
For rainy-day indoor
As a special birthday
And even as a sponsored
charity challenge
Remember, we
are finding that children as young as 5 can enjoy the puzzles while at the same time developing their logical
thinking, extending their concentration, and building their confidence. Buy Sudoku for Kids now and you could be
printing off puzzles for your classroom within minutes – and we know your kids will enjoy them!

Buy Sudoku for Kids